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BW-ZM directly-buried inner-pressure corrugated compensator



BW-ZM direct buried inner pressure corrugated compensator is made up of bellows, guide loop, outer sleeve and flange(connecting pipe).The guide loop under the protection of the outer sleeve can realize flexing freely, which can be directly buried under the ground and applied in the distortion compensation of heat pipeline.

技术特性表:technical characteristics table

公称通经mm nominal diameter 长度mm length 波纹管有效面积cm² effective area of bellows 角向补偿量±mm/刚度N/mm angular compensating quantum ±mm mm/rigidity N/mm
1.0mpa 1.6mpa 2.5mpa
32 280 19 10 200 9 230 9 230
40 280 21 11 200 10 230 10 230
50 280 41 12 220 11 240 11 240
65 300 61 14 250 13 270 13 270
80 340 82 22 320 20 400 20 400
100 380 125 28 340 26 380 26 380
125 400 180 35 370 30 460 30 460
150 450 255 44 470 40 530 38 550
200 550 480 48 650 42 740 40 850
250 600 730 52 1100 44 1280 42 1400
300 600 1020 52 1200 44 1360 42 1480
350 650 1280 56 1340 48 1500 44 1680
400 650 1580 56 1400 46 1680 42 1890
450 700 1980 68 1520 56 1970 52 2200
500 700 2450 72 1680 60 2140 56 2350
600 700 3450 64 1840 52 2440 48 2800
700 750 4740 64 2000 52 2560 48 2800
800 750 5960 64 2160 52 2770 48 3050
900 800 7560 64 2800 52 3120 48 3320
1000 800 9280 64 3050 52 3350 48 3530
1100 800 10813 64 3480 52 3744 48 3850
1200 850 13010 64 3600 52 3900 48 4100
1300 850 14800 64 3840 52 4170 48 4370
1400 900 16510 64 4240 52 4450 48 4740
1500 900 18900 64 4400 52 4780 48 4900
1600 1000 21920 64 4600 52 4940 48 5180

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